The Gregan Hane project

Gregan Hane is a wooded area lying near Highmoor in the Chilterns. To the east of the bridle way passing through the woods is a series of ditches and banks which form an irregular enclosure including two ponds.

This has been identified as being a medieval enclosure and if this is confirmed it will be a rare example of one that has not been disturbed and hence potentially important. There is some debate as to the age and suggestions range from Saxon to 13th/ 14th century. SOAG has been asked by the county archaeologist, the Forestry Commission archaeologist, to excavate a small section of one of the ditches in the hope that we will find dating evidence to define the enclosure’s age. So it is proposed we open a 2m x 2m test pit across a ditch near to where the bank and ditch has been damaged by logging work some decades ago.

We would also clean up the face of the mound where it was cut during the logging work. This, it is hoped would give us the profile of the bank and ditch as well as some dating evidence. This dig is likely to occur in September 2013.

Click here for the county archaeologists survey specification, which will shortly be added a spec of the work SOAG plans to undertake.

Project Leader

David Oliver